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 Unit   Type   Summary
 System AnsiChar A character type guaranteed to be 8 bits in size
 System AnsiString A data type that holds a string of AnsiChars
 System Boolean Allows just True and False values
 System Byte An integer type supporting values 0 to 255
 System Cardinal The basic unsigned integer type
 System Char Variable type holding a single character
 System Comp A 64 bit signed integer
 System Currency A decimal type with 4 decimal points used for financial values
 System Double A floating point type supporting about 15 digits of precision
 System Extended The floating point type with the highest capacity and precision
 System Int64 A 64 bit sized integer - the largest in Delphi
 System Integer The basic Integer type
 System LongInt An Integer whose size is guaranteed to be 32 bits
 System LongWord A 32 bit unsigned integer
 System PAnsiChar A pointer to an AnsiChar value
 System PAnsiString Pointer to an AnsiString value
 System PChar A pointer to an Char value
 System PCurrency Pointer to a Currency value
 System PDateTime Pointer to a TDateTime value
 System PExtended Pointer to a Extended floating point value
 System PInt64 Pointer to an Int64 value
 System Pointer Defines a general use Pointer to any memory based data
 System PShortString A pointer to an ShortString value
 System PString Pointer to a String value
 System PVariant Pointer to a Variant value
 System PWideChar Pointer to a WideChar
 System PWideString Pointer to a WideString value
 System Real A floating point type supporting about 15 digits of precision
 System Real48 The floating point type with the highest capacity and precision
 System ShortInt An integer type supporting values -128 to 127
 System ShortString Defines a string of up to 255 characters
 System Single The smallest capacity and precision floating point type
 System SmallInt An Integer type supporting values from -32768 to 32767
 System String A data type that holds a string of characters
 Classes TBits An object that can hold an infinite number of Boolean values
 ConvUtils TConvType Defines a measurement type as used by Convert
 System TDateTime Data type holding a date and time value
 System Text Defines a file as a text file
 System TextFile Declares a file type for storing lines of text
 SysUtils TFloatFormat Formats for use in floating point number display functions
 SysUtils TFormatSettings A record for holding locale values for thread-safe functions
 Classes TList General purpose container of a list of objects
 System TObject The base class type that is ancestor to all other classes
 Dialogs TOpenDialog Displays a file selection dialog
 Types TPoint Holds X and Y integer values
 Dialogs TPrintDialog Class that creates a printer selection and control dialog
 Types TRect Holds rectangle coordinate values
 SysUtils TReplaceFlags Defines options for the StringReplace routine
 Dialogs TSaveDialog Displays a dialog for selecting a save file name
 SysUtils TSearchRec Record used to hold data for FindFirst and FindNext
 Classes TStringList Holds a variable length list of strings
 SysUtils TSysCharSet Characters used by supplied string parsing functions
 System TThreadFunc Defines the function to be called by BeginThread
 System Variant A variable type that can hold changing data types
 System WideChar Variable type holding a single International character
 System WideString A data type that holds a string of WideChars
 System Word An integer type supporting values 0 to 65535
Run Time Library Reference  
By first letter  
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z $
By Functionality  
 Data types
Integers, ordinals
Floating point types
String, char types
Pointer types
Other types
 Program structure
Program control
Program data
Object orientation
Control options
Data options
Data access
File name handling
 Strings and chars
Conversions from
Conversions to
 Numbers and sets
Conversions from
Conversions to
Default numbers
 Dates and Times
Conversions from
Conversions to
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