Used to call the parent class constructor or destructor method
1 keyword Inherited(Create;
  Inherited; // Always call at the start of a constructor
2 Create(arguments);
  Inherited Create(arguments); // Always call at the start of a constructor
3 Destroy;
  Inherited; // Always call at the end of a destructor
The Inherited keyword is used to call the parent constructor or destructor method, as appropriate, for the current class.
It is called at the start of a constructor, and at the end of a desctructor. It is not mandatory, but recommended as good practice.
Without parameters, Inherited calls the same named method the parent class, with the same parameters.
You can call a different parent method, if appropriate.
Related commands
ClassStarts the declaration of a type of object class
ConstructorDefines the method used to create an object from a class
DestructorDefines the method used to destroy an object
FunctionDefines a subroutine that returns a value
ObjectAllows a subroutine data type to refer to an object method
OverloadAllows 2 or more routines to have the same name
OverrideDefines a method that replaces a virtual parent class method
ProcedureDefines a subroutine that does not return a value
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Example code : Examples of Inherited with and without explicit parent method names
// Full Unit code.
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// You must store this code in a unit called Unit1 with a form
// called Form1 that has an OnCreate event called FormCreate.

unit Unit1;


  Forms, Dialogs, Classes, Controls, StdCtrls;

  // Define a parent class, base on TObject by default
  TFruit = class
    name   : string;
    Constructor Create; overload;  // This constructor uses defaults
    Constructor Create(name : string); overload;

  // Define a descendant types
  TApple = class(TFruit)
    diameter : Integer;
    Constructor Create(name : string; diameter : Integer);

  // The class for the form used by this unit
  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

  Form1: TForm1;

{$R *.dfm} // Include form definitions

// Create a fruit object - parameterless version
constructor TFruit.Create;
  // Execute the parent (TObject) constructor first
  Inherited;  // Call the parent Create method

  // Now set a default fruit name := 'Fruit';

// Create a fruit object - parameterised version
constructor TFruit.Create(name: string);
  // Execute the parent constructor first
  Inherited Create;  // Call the parent Create method

  // And save the fruit name := name;

// Create an apple object
constructor TApple.Create(name: string; diameter : Integer);
  // Execute the parent (TFruit) constructor first
  Inherited Create(name);  // Call the parent method

  // Now save the passed apple diameter
  self.diameter := diameter;

// Main line code
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  fruit  : TFruit;
  banana : TFruit;
  apple  : TApple;

  // Create 3 different fruit objects
  fruit  := TFruit.Create;
  banana := TFruit.Create('Banana');
  apple  := TApple.Create('Pink Lady', 12);

  // See which of our objects are fruits
  if fruit  Is TFruit then ShowMessage(  +' is a fruit');
  if banana Is TFruit then ShowMessage( +' is a fruit');
  if apple  Is TFruit then ShowMessage(  +' is a fruit');

  // See which objects are apples
  if fruit  Is TApple then ShowMessage(   +' is an apple');
  if banana Is TApple then ShowMessage(  +' is an apple');
  if apple  Is TApple then ShowMessage(   +' is an apple');
  Fruit is a fruit
  Banana is a fruit
  Pink Lady is a fruit
  Pink Lady is an apple
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