| Add | Add an entry to the current SortedList |
| Clear | Clear (remove) all key-value data pairs from the current SortedList |
| Clone | Make a new SortedList that is a clone of the current SortedList |
| Contains | Returns true if the current SortedList contains the given Key |
| ContainsKey | Returns true if the current SortedList contains the given Key |
| ContainsValue | Returns true if the current SortedList contains the given Value |
| CopyTo | Copies elements from the SortedList to a single dimension array |
| GetByIndex | Gets the key-value pair at the specified index of the current SortedList |
| GetEnumerator | Gets an enumerator to allow reading the elements of the current SortedList |
| GetKey | Gets the key at the specified index of the current SortedList |
| GetKeyList | Gets a read-only, dynamically updated list of current SortedList keys |
| GetValueList | Gets a read-only, dynamically updated list of current SortedList values |
| IndexOfKey | Gets the index of the specified key in the current SortedList |
| IndexOfValue | Gets the index of the specified value in the current SortedList |
| Remove | Remove a key-value entry from the current SortedList |
| RemoveAt | Remove a key-value entry from the current SortedList at the specified Index |
| SetByIndex | Sets the value at the specified index of the current SortedList |
| TrimToSize | Removes unused elements from the current SortedList |