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  BinaryReader  Class 
  BinaryWriter  Class 
  BufferedStream  Class 
  Directory  Class 
  DirectoryInfo  Class 
  File  Class 
  FileAccess  Enumeration 
  FileAttributes  Enumeration 
  FileInfo  Class 
  FileMode  Enumeration 
  FileShare  Enumeration 
  FileStream  Class 
  FileSystemWatcher  Class 
  MemoryStream  Class 
  Path  Class 
  SeekOrigin  Enumeration 
  StreamReader  Class 
  StreamWriter  Class 
  StringReader  Class 
  StringWriter  Class 

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  System.IO.FileStream Class
Provides both default Synchronous and selectable Asynchronous read/write access to a stream.
Streams can be of various types, such as files, pipes (given by their file handle - an Integer value) and standard input and output.
The two basic types of constructor take either the stream path or its numeric identifier - the handle.
Access can be controlled by the Access, Mode and Share parameters, along with optional control over the buffer size, and whether the access is Synchronous or Asnchronous where suppotred by the Operating System of the running machine.
Random access is supported via the Seek method.
Buffering is used for performance reasons.
Synchronous read and write is the default mode - it means that the current thread is tied up with the operation. Asynchronous operations immediately free up the current process - when the operation is complete, a routine of the current process is called to signal this completion. Asynchronous operation is somewhat beyond Delphi Basics.
Constructor Create ( PathString : String; Mode : FileMode );
Constructor Create ( PathString : String; Mode : FileMode; Access : FileAccess );
Constructor Create ( PathString : String; Mode : FileMode; Access : FileAccess; Share : FileShare );
Constructor Create ( PathString : String; Mode : FileMode; Access : FileAccess; Share : FileShare; BufferSize : Integer );
Constructor Create ( PathString : String; Mode : FileMode; Access : FileAccess; Share : FileShare; BufferSize : Integer; asynchronous : Boolean );
Constructor Create ( FileHandle : IntPtr; Access : FileAccess );
Constructor Create ( FileHandle : IntPtr; Access : FileAccess; Ownership : Boolean );
Constructor Create ( FileHandle : IntPtr; Access : FileAccess; Ownership : Boolean; BufferSize : Integer );
Constructor Create ( FileHandle : IntPtr; Access : FileAccess; Ownership : Boolean; BufferSize : Integer; Asynchronous : Boolean );
BeginRead  Starts an asynchronous stream read operation
BeginWrite  Starts an asynchronous stream write operation
Close  Close the current stream
EndRead  Wait for an asynchronous read to complete
EndWrite  Wait for an asynchronous write to complete
Lock  Lock a section of the current stream to prevent others writing to it
Read  Reads the next block of bytes from the current stream
ReadByte  Read the next Byte from the current stream
Seek  Moves the current position in the current stream to the specified value
SetLength  Sets the length of the current stream
UnLock  UnLock a section of the current stream, allowing others to write to it
Write  Writes some or all bytes from a Byte Array into the current stream
WriteByte  Write a byte to the current stream

CanRead  Boolean  Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading.
CanSeek  Boolean  Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking.
CanWrite  Boolean  Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing.
Handle  Integer  Gets the operating system file handle for the file that the current FileStream object encapsulates.
IsAsync  Boolean  Gets a value indicating whether the FileStream was opened asynchronously or synchronously.
Length  Int64  Gets the length in bytes of the stream.
Name  String  Gets the name of the FileStream that was passed to the constructor.
Position  Int64  Gets or sets the current position of this stream.

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