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  BinaryReader  Class 
  BinaryWriter  Class 
  BufferedStream  Class 
  Directory  Class 
  DirectoryInfo  Class 
  File  Class 
  FileAccess  Enumeration 
  FileAttributes  Enumeration 
  FileInfo  Class 
  FileMode  Enumeration 
  FileShare  Enumeration 
  FileStream  Class 
  FileSystemWatcher  Class 
  MemoryStream  Class 
  Path  Class 
  SeekOrigin  Enumeration 
  StreamReader  Class 
  StreamWriter  Class 
  StringReader  Class 
  StringWriter  Class 

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  System.IO.StringReader Class
The StringReader class is descended from the abstract TextReader class. It allows a string to be read character by character, or line by line in much the same way as if the string were a text file.
The string must contain either Carriage return, Line-feed or both as the means of delimiting the lines. It is a shame that the constructor did not allow a string array to be used as well.
Constructor Create ( Value : String; );
Close  Closes the StringReader
Peek  Gives the value of the next character in the string without updating position
Read  Reads the next character or block of characters from the current string
ReadBlock  Reads the next block of characters from the current string
ReadLine  Reads the next line of characters from the current string
ReadToEnd  Reads to the end of the current string

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