Display a dialog to allow user selection of a directory FileCtrl unit
1 function SelectDirectory(const Caption string; const StartDir WideString; out ChosenDir string):Boolean;
2 function SelectDirectory (var CurrDir string; DialogOptions TSelectDirOpts ; HelpContext Longint:Boolean;
The SelectDirectory displays a dialog allowing the user to select a directory ChosenDirectory (drive plus path).
Version 1.
This displays a Windows browser dialog, initialised to the specified StartDir. The Caption text is shown at the top of the dialog.
If the user presses OK, then the selected directory is returned in the ChosenDir variable, and the return value is True.
If the user presses Cancel, then no output is given, and the return value is False.
Version 2.
This displays a very different type of dialog, that incidently shows the files in the currently selected directory.
The CurrDir value is used to position the display to the given directory, and is updated with the selected value if the user presses OK.
The DialogOptions and HelpContext parameters are beyond the scope of this article. They may safely be left to default values, as in the given example.
Related commands
ChDirChange the working drive plus path for a specified drive
CreateDirCreate a directory
GetCurrentDirGet the current directory (drive plus directory)
GetDirGet the default directory (drive plus path) for a specified drive
MkDirMake a directory
RemoveDirRemove a directory
RmDirRemove a directory
SetCurrentDirChange the current directory
ForceDirectoriesCreate a new path of directories
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Example code : Let the user select a dialog using the first version
  chosenDirectory : string;
  // Ask the user to select a required directory, starting with C:
  if SelectDirectory('Select a directory', 'C:\', chosenDirectory)
  then ShowMessage('Chosen directory = '+chosenDirectory)
  else ShowMessage('Directory selection aborted');
Show full unit code
  { Dialog displays - user selects C:\Program Files and hits OK }
  Chosen directory = C:\Program Files
Example code : Let the user select a dialog using the second version
  options : TSelectDirOpts;
  chosenDirectory : string;
  chosenDirectory := 'C:\';  // Set the starting directory
  // Ask the user to select using a completely different dialog!
  if SelectDirectory(chosenDirectory, options, 0)
  then ShowMessage('Chosen directory = '+chosenDirectory)
  else ShowMessage('Directory selection aborted');
Show full unit code
  { Dialog displays - user selects C:\Program Files and hits Cancel }
  Directory selection aborted
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