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  Array  Class 
  Boolean  Structure 
  Buffer  Class 
  Byte  Structure 
  Char  Structure 
  Console  Class 
  Convert  Class 
  DateTime  Structure 
  DayOfWeek  Enumeration 
  Decimal  Structure 
  Double  Structure 
  Enum  Class 
  Environment  Class 
  Exception  Class 
  ICloneable  Interface 
  Int16  Structure 
  Int32  Structure 
  Int64  Structure 
  Math  Class 
  Object  Class 
  OperatingSystem  Class 
  Random  Class 
  SByte  Structure 
  Single  Structure 
  String  Class 
  TimeSpan  Structure 
  UInt16  Structure 
  UInt32  Structure 
  UInt64  Structure 
  Version  Class 

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  System.Random Class
Pseudo random numbers are so called because they are mathematically determined rather than naturally generated.
They are, however, sufficiently useful for most programmatic purposes, guaranteeing an unbiased selection from all possible integer values up to 4,294,967,295, or a specified integer number range, or decimal values from 0.0 up to, but not including 1.0.
The mathematical process starts with a seed value. Unlike many Random implementations, the .Net version appears to use a different seed value each time an application is run.
You can influence the sequencing of random numbers by providing your own seed. Be wary that the sequence of numbers using this seed will always be the same.
Constructor Create ( );
Constructor Create ( Seed : Integer; );
Next  Gets the next random integer
NextBytes  Stores a sequence of random numbers in a Byte array
NextDouble  Gets the next random floating point number

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