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An overview
A subroutine is like a sub-program. It not only helps divide your code up into sensible, manageable chunks, but it also allows these chunks to be used (called) by different parts of your program. Each subroutine contains one of more statements.
In common with other languages, Delphi provides 2 types of subroutine - Procedures and Functions. Functions are the same as procedures except that they return a value in addition to executing statements. A Function, as its name suggests, is like a little program that calculates something, returning the value to the caller. On the other hand, a procedure is like a little routine that performs something, and then just finishes.

Parameters to subroutines
Both functions and procedures can be defined to operate without any data being passed. For example, you might have a function that simply returns a random number (like the Delphi Random function). It needs no data to get it going.
Likewise, you can have a procedure that carries out some task without the need for data to dictate its operations. For example, you might have a procedure that draws a square on the screen. The same square every time it is called.
Often, however, you will pass data, called parameters, to a subroutine. (Note that the definition of a subroutine refers to parameters as arguments - they are parameters when passed to the subroutine).

Some simple function and procedure examples
The following code illustrates simple function and procedure definitions:
A procedure without parameters
 procedure ShowTime;                   // A procedure with no parameters
  // Display the current date and time
   ShowMessage('Date and time is '+DateTimeToStr(Now));
 // Let us call this procedure

 Date and time is 12/12/2002 15:30:45

Notice that we are using some Delphi run time library functions, marked in blue, in the above code. Click on any to read more.
A procedure with parameters
 procedure ShowTime(dateTime : TDateTime); // With parameters
  // Display the date and time passed to the routine
   ShowMessage('Date and time is '+DateTimeToStr(dateTime));
 // Let us call this procedure

 Date and time is 11/12/2002

A function without parameters
 function RandomChar : char;
   i : integer;
  // Get a random number from 65 to 90
  // (These numbers equate to characters 'A' to 'Z'
   i := RandomRange(65, 90);
  // Return this value as a char type in the return variable, Result
   Result := Chr(i);
 // Let us call this function
 ShowMessage('Char chosen is : '+RandomChar);

 Char chosen is : A

It is important to note that we return the value from a function in a special variable called Result that Delphi secretly defines for us to be the same type as the return type of the function. We can assign to it at any point in the function. When the function ends, the value then held in Result is then returned to the caller.
A function with parameters
 function Average(a, b, c : Extended) : Extended;
  // return the average of the 3 passed numbers
   Result := Mean(a, b, c);
 // Let us call this function
 ShowMessageFmt('Average of 2, 13 and 56 = %f',[Average(2,13,56)]);

 Average of 2, 13 and 56 = 23.67

Interfaces versus Implementation
In the above examples, we have shown the subroutines and the calling code in one sequence. In practice, even the calling code will be in a subroutine, for a very good reason. Let us show complete Unit code to clarify this:
 // Full Unit code.
 // -----------------------------------------------------------
 // You must store this code in a unit called Unit1 with a form
 // called Form1 that has an OnCreate event called FormCreate.
 unit Unit1;
   Forms, Dialogs;
   TForm1 = class(TForm)
     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
   Form1: TForm1;
 {$R *.dfm}// Include form definitions
 // A small procedure
 procedure InLineProc;
   ShowMessage('Hello World');
 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  // Call our little in line procedure

 The following is displayed in a little message dialog:
 Hello World

The InLineProc we have defined above is literally that - an in-line subroutine. It must be defined before it is called.
The TForm1.OnCreate procedure is quite different. The TForm1 qualifier gives a clue. This procedure, along with out InLineProc procedure, is defined in what is called the Implementation section of the Unit. Looking earlier in the code, you will see a one line declaration of OnCreate in the Interface part of the Unit. It is part of the class definition for the form (TForm1) that the Unit and program use as the main screen (see the Object orientation tutorial for further on classes).
Any subroutine defined in the Interface section must defined in the Implementation section. Our InLineProc was not, so it needs no advance declaration.

Data local to a subroutine
In the RandomChar example above, we declared an integer variable for use in a calculation by the function. Subroutines can have their own types, constants and variables, and these remain local to the routine. Variable values are reset every time the routine is called (use a class object to hold onto data across routine calls). Here is an illustration of this local variable action:
 procedure DoIt(A : Integer);
   A := A * 2;
   ShowMessageFmt('A in the procedure  = %d',[A]);
 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
   A : Integer;
   A := 22;
   ShowMessageFmt('A in program before call = %d',[A]);
  // Call the procedure
   ShowMessageFmt('A in program now = %d',[A]);

 A in program before call = 22
 A in the procedure = 44
 A in program now = 22

The procedure is passed A, updates it and displays it. The caller then displays the A that it passed to the procedure. It is unchanged. The procedure sees this A as if it were defined as a local variable. Like local variables, when the procedure ends, their value is lost.

Passing data by reference
The default was of passing data is by what is called by value. Literally, the parameter value is passed to the subroutine argument. reference to the argument is then to this copy of the variable value.
Passing by reference means that the subroutine actually refers to the passed variable rather than its value. Any changes to the value will affect the caller variable. We declare a variable to be passed by reference with the var prefix. Rewriting the above code to use by reference changes matters:
 procedure DoIt(Var A : Integer);
   A := A * 2;
   ShowMessageFmt('A in the procedure  = %d',[A]);
 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
   A : Integer;
   A := 22;
   ShowMessageFmt('A in program before call = %d',[A]);
  // Call the procedure
   ShowMessageFmt('A in program now = %d',[A]);

 A in program before call = 22
 A in the procedure = 44
 A in program now = 44

Now the caller A variable is updated by the procedure.
This is a very useful way of returning data from a procedure, as used by, for example, the Delphi Insert routine. It also allows us to return more than one value from a subroutine.

Output only parameters
We can go further, and define parameters that we can update, but which are there for update only - output from our subroutine. They should not be read by the subroutine, the caller not responsible for any starting value they might contain.
 procedure DoIt(Out A : Integer);
   A := 123;
   ShowMessageFmt('A in the procedure  = %d',[A]);
 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
   A : Integer;
   ShowMessage('A before the call is unknown');
  // Call the procedure
   ShowMessageFmt('A in program now = %d',[A]);

 A before the call is unknown
 A in the procedure = 123
 A in program now = 123

Constant value parameters
For code clarity, and performance, it is often wise to declare arguments that are only ever read by a subroutine as constants. This is done with the const prefix. It can be used even when a non-constant parameter is passed. It simply means that the parameter is only ever read by the subroutine.
 procedure DoIt(Const A : Integer; Out B : Integer);
   B := A * 2;
 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
   A, B : Integer;
   A := 22;
  // Call the procedure
   DoIt(A, B);
   ShowMessageFmt('B has been set to = %d',[B]);

 B has been set to 44

Notice that when defining two argument types, the arguments are separated with a ;.

Same routine, different parameters
One of the benefits of Object Oriented programming is that some of the rigidity of procedural languages was relaxed. This has spilled over into non object orientation subroutines (as opposed to class methods).
One of the benefits is that we can define two or more subroutines that have exactly the same name. Delphi is able to tell them apart by the different number or types of parameters.
The example below illustrates this with two versions of the DoIt procedure.
 procedure DoIt; overload;
   ShowMessage('DoIt with no parameters called');
 procedure DoIt(msg : String); overload;
   ShowMessage('DoIt called with parameter : '+msg);
 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  // Call the procedure using no parameters
   // Now call the procedure using one parameter
    DoIt('Hi there');

 DoIt with no parameters called
 DoIt called with parameter : Hi There


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