Rich formatting of numbers and text into a string SysUtils unit
1 function format(Const Formatting string; Const Data array of const):string;
2 function format (Const Formatting string; Const Data array of const; FormatSettings TFormatSettings:string;
The Format function provides 'C' like formatting of multiple of simple data types into a string. It provides very precise control over this formatting.
The Formatting parameter defines how the Data array is manipulated into the returned string.
The Formatting string can comprise a mix of ordinary characters (that are passed unchanged to the result string), and data formatting characters. This formatting is best explained by the example code.
In simple terms, each data formatting substring starts with a % and ends with a data type indicator :
= Decimal (integer)
= Scientific
= Fixed
= General
= Money
= Number (floating)
= Pointer
= String
= Unsigned decimal
= Hexadecimal

The general format of each formatting substring is as follows:
where the square brackets refer to optional parameters, and the : . - characters are literals, the first 2 of which are used to identify two of the optional arguments.
Version 2 of this function is for use within threads. You furnish the FormatSettings record before invoking the call. It takes a local copy of global formatting variables that make the routine thread safe.
Various formatting options, such as DecimalSeparator and CurrencyString are used for some of these formatting options. See the more specific versions of data display commands, such as CurrToStrF for details.
Related commands
CurrencyDecimalsDefines decimal digit count in the Format function
CurrencyFormatDefines currency string placement in curr display functions
CurrencyStringThe currency string used in currency display functions
CurrToStrFConvert a currency value to a string with formatting
DecimalSeparatorThe character used to display the decimal point
FloatToStrFConvert a floating point value to a string with formatting
FormatCurrRich formatting of a currency value into a string
FormatDateTimeRich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string
FormatFloatRich formatting of a floating point number into a string
NegCurrFormatDefines negative amount formatting in currency displays
ThousandSeparatorThe character used to display the thousands separator
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Example code : Showing all of the formatting data types
  text : string;
  // Just 1 data item
  ShowMessage(Format('%s', ['Hello']));

  // A mix of literal text and a data item
  ShowMessage(Format('String = %s', ['Hello']));

  // Examples of each of the data types
  ShowMessage(Format('Decimal          = %d', [-123]));
  ShowMessage(Format('Exponent         = %e', [12345.678]));
  ShowMessage(Format('Fixed            = %f', [12345.678]));
  ShowMessage(Format('General          = %g', [12345.678]));
  ShowMessage(Format('Number           = %n', [12345.678]));
  ShowMessage(Format('Money            = %m', [12345.678]));
  ShowMessage(Format('Pointer          = %p', [addr(text)]));
  ShowMessage(Format('String           = %s', ['Hello']));
  ShowMessage(Format('Unsigned decimal = %u', [123]));
  ShowMessage(Format('Hexadecimal      = %x', [140]));
Show full unit code
  String = Hello
  Decimal = -123
  Exponent = 1.23456780000000E+004
  Fixed = 12345.68
  General = 12345.678
  Number = 12,345,68
  Money = ?12,345.68
  Pointer = 0069FC90
  String = Hello
  Unsigned decimal = 123
  Hexadecimal = 8C
Example code : Using the index, width and precision values
  // The width value dictates the output size
  // with blank padding to the left
  // Note the <> characters are added to show formatting
  ShowMessage(Format('Padded decimal    = <%7d>', [1234]));

  // With the '-' operator, the data is left justified
  ShowMessage(Format('Justified decimal = <%-7d>', [1234]));

  // The precision value forces 0 padding to the desired size
  ShowMessage(Format('0 padded decimal  = <%.6d>', [1234]));

  // A combination of width and precision
  // Note that width value precedes the precision value
  ShowMessage(Format('Width + precision = <%8.6d>', [1234]));

  // The index value allows the next value in the data array
  // to be changed
  ShowMessage(Format('Reposition after 3 strings = %s %s %s %1:s %s',
                     ['Zero', 'One', 'Two', 'Three']));

  // One or more of the values may be provided by the
  // data array itself. Note that testing has shown that an *
  // for the width parameter can yield EConvertError.
  ShowMessage(Format('In line           = <%10.4d>', [1234]));
  ShowMessage(Format('Part data driven  = <%*.4d>', [10, 1234]));
  ShowMessage(Format('Data driven       = <%*.*d>', [10, 4, 1234]));
Show full unit code
  Padded decimal    = <   1234>
  Justified decimal = <1234   >
  0 padded decimal  = <001234>
  Width + precision = <  001234>
  Reposition after 3 strings = Zero One Two One Two
  In line           = <      1234>
  Part data driven  = <      1234>
  Data driven       = <      1234>
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