Description |
The Exp function takes an integer or floating point Number and raises e (2.72) to that power.
This is only used for mathematical processing.
Exp has the opposite effect to Ln - the natural logarithm.
| Related commands | Ln | | Gives the natural logarithm of a number | Log10 | | Gives the log to base 10 of a number |
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Example code : Calculate the exponent of 2 | var
float : Double;
 // Get the natural logarithm of 2
float := Ln(2);
 // Show this value
ShowMessage('Ln(2) = '+FloatToStr(float));
 // Get the exponent of this value - reverses the Ln operation
float := Exp(float);
 // Show this value
ShowMessage('Exp(Ln(2)) = '+FloatToStr(float));
| Show full unit code | Ln(2) = 0.693147180559945
Exp(Ln(2)) = 2 |