Description |
The CurrencyString variable is used in currency display functions. It is used to prefix or suffix the currency amount.
For example, the UK default is ?, so 1.23 is displayed as ?1.23 by default.
| Notes | The CurrencyFormat value determines whether the currency string is placed before or after the amount, and whether a space is placed between it and the amount.
CurrencyString = LOCALE_SCURRENCY by default.
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Example code : Changing the currency character to a word | var
amount : Currency;
amount := 12;  // 12 pounds
 // Display with the default currency string
ShowMessage('Amount = '+CurrToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 0));
 // Display with the currency shown as a word after the amount
CurrencyString := 'Pounds';
CurrencyFormat := 4;  // 4 means after with a space
ShowMessage('Amount = '+CurrToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 0));
| Show full unit code | Amount = ?12
Amount = 12 Pounds |