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  System.Globalization.TextElementEnumerator Class
The TextElementEnumerator provides an easy to use enumerator for the Text elements of a string.
Before a value can be retrivede from the enumerator, you must position to the first element using the MoveNext method. The Reset method repositions before that first element.
The currently element of the enumeration is retrievable using either the Current property or the GetTextElement method.
Note that the ElementIndex value is not necessarily the same as the character index of the string - surrogate and combined character text elements occupy multiple characters.
GetTextElement  Returns the Text element at the current enumerator String position
MoveNext  Move to the next Text element in the String
Reset  Move the current String position to before the first (0th) Text element

Current  Object  The Text element at ElementIndex of the string
ElementIndex  Integer  The current string text element index

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