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Writes data to the current stream
StreamWriter Class
System.IO NameSpace
CF1.  Procedure Write ( Value : String ; ) ;
CF2.  Procedure Write ( Value : Object ; ) ;
CF3.  Procedure Write ( Value : Decimal ; ) ;
CF4.  Procedure Write ( Value : Single ; ) ;
CF5.  Procedure Write ( Value : Double ; ) ;
CF6.  Procedure Write ( Value : Integer ; ) ;
CF7.  Procedure Write ( Value : Int64 ; ) ;
CF8.  Procedure Write ( Value : UInt64 ; ) ;
CF9.  Procedure Write ( Value : Cardinal ; ) ;
CF10.  Procedure Write ( Value : Boolean ; ) ;
CF11.  Procedure Write ( Value : Char ; ) ;
CF12.  Procedure Write ( Value : Array of Char ; ) ;
CF13.  Procedure Write ( Value:Array of CharValue : Array of Char; Index : Integer; Count : Integer ; ) ;
CF14.  Procedure Write ( Value:FormatString:StringValue : FormatString; Value : Object ; ) ;
CF15.  Procedure Write ( Value:FormatString:StringValue : FormatString; Value1 : Object; Value2 : Object ; ) ;
CF16.  Procedure Write ( Value:FormatString:StringValue : FormatString; Value1 : Object; Value2 : Object; Value3 : Object; ) ;
CF17.  Procedure Write ( Value:FormatString:StringValue : FormatString; Values : Array of Object; ) ;
CF : Methods with this mark are Compact Framework Compatible
Lots of flexibility here! The Write method writes the specified values to the stream.
The Value may be one of the many data types. Or multiple values may be passed as discrete values or via an array.
Finally, formatting may be provided to Object parameters to control their formatting into the string that gets written to the stream.
The formatting string comprises 0, 1 or more sections of plain text, interspersed with formatting string sections. These formatting sections are delimited by {} brackets.
You may use { and } in the plain text by repeating each : {{ and }} respectively.
The formatting sections each have the following general syntax :
Where :
Index Is the parameter number (0 indexed)
Width Defines the whole field width
Formatting Defines a specific format to use

The formatting value has the following syntax :
Unlike the non-.Net Delphi Format Run Time Library function, the .Net formatting character set is split into 3 groups, applicable to the general data type. For example, the D formatting character applied to a number yields a Decimal string, but applied to a DateTime will yield a LongDate string.
The optional Precision forces the number of decimal places or significant digits as appropriate.
1. Number formatting characters
C or c Currency such as ?1,234.56
D or d Integer formatting such as 123456
E or e Exponential (Scientific) such as 1.23456E+003
F or f Fixed Point such as 1234.56
G or g General : type dependent
N or n Number : -d,ddd,ddd.ddd... format
P or p Percent such as 69.5%
R or r Round-trip - guarantees reverse formatting
X or x Hex such as E06FC (using X) or e06fc (using x)

2. DateTime formatting characters
Short Date, such as : 24/08/2004
Long date, such as 24 August 2004
Short time, such as 12:23
Long time, such as 12:23:45
Full datetime, such as 24 August 2004 12:23
Full datetime, such as 24 August 2004 12:23:45
General datetime, such as 24/08/2004 12:23
General datetime, such as 24/08/2004 12:23:45
M or m Month, such as 24 August
R or r Culture independant, such as Tue 24 August 2004 12:23:45 GMT
Sortable datetime, such as 2004-08-24T12:23:45
Universal sortable datetime
Y or y Year plus month, such as August 2004

3. Enumeration formatting characters

See the second section of code for examples of the formatting
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A simple example
program Project1;


  Writer : System.IO.StreamWriter;
  Reader : System.IO.StreamReader;

  // Create our Stream Writer
  Writer := System.IO.StreamWriter.Create('C:\DelphiBasics.txt');

  // Write various things to our StreamWriter
  Writer.Write(' , ');
  Writer.Write(' , ');
  Writer.Write(DateTime.Create(2004, 9, 17));

  // Close the writer

  // Create our Stream Reader
  Reader := System.IO.StreamReader.Create('C:\DelphiBasics.txt');

  // Display the file contents

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  27 , True , 17/09/2004 00:00:00
Using a formatting string
program Project1;


  Writer    : System.IO.StreamWriter;
  Reader    : System.IO.StreamReader;
  Line      : String;

  decNumber : Decimal;
  intNumber : Integer;
  floatNum  : Single;
  when      : DateTime;
  enum      : System.DayOfWeek;

  decNumber := 123456.789;
  intNumber := 123456789;
  floatNum  := 0.25;
  when      := DateTime.Now;
  enum      := DayOfWeek.Tuesday;

  // Create our StreamWriter
  Writer    := System.IO.StreamWriter.Create('C:\DelphiBasics.txt');

  // Build up lots of lines in our StreamWriter
  // to illustrate the formatting options
  Writer.WriteLine('Number formatting examples :');

  Writer.Write('C : Currency       : {0:C}',
  Writer.Write('D : Integer (D)    : {0:D}',
                      System.Object (intNumber));
  Writer.Write('E : Exponential    : {0:E}',
  Writer.Write('F : Fixed          : {0:F}',
  Writer.Write('G : General        : {0:G}',
  Writer.Write('N : Number         : {0:N}',
  Writer.Write('P : Percent        : {0:P}',
                      System.Object (floatNum));
  Writer.Write('R : Round-trip     : {0:R}',
                      System.Object (floatNum));
  Writer.Write('X : Hexadecimal (X): {0:X}',
                      System.Object (intNumber));
  Writer.Write('x : Hexadecimal (x): {0:x}',
                      System.Object (intNumber));

  Writer.WriteLine('DateTime formatting examples :');

  Writer.Write('d : Short Date     : {0:d}', when);
  Writer.Write('D : Long Date      : {0:D}', when);
  Writer.Write('t : Short Time     : {0:t}', when);
  Writer.Write('T : Long Time      : {0:T}', when);
  Writer.Write('f : Full date      : {0:f}', when);
  Writer.Write('F : Long full date : {0:F}', when);
  Writer.Write('g : General        : {0:g}', when);
  Writer.Write('G : Long general   : {0:G}', when);
  Writer.Write('M : Month          : {0:M}', when);
  Writer.Write('R : RFC1123        : {0:R}', when);
  Writer.Write('s : Sortable       : {0:s}', when);
  Writer.Write('u : Universal sort : {0:u}', when);
  Writer.Write('Y : Year           : {0:Y}', when);

  Writer.WriteLine('Enumeration formatting examples :');

  Writer.Write('G : General        : {0:G}', enum);
  Writer.Write('F : Fixed          : {0:F}', enum);
  Writer.Write('D : Decimal        : {0:D}', enum);
  Writer.Write('X : Hexadecimal (X): {0:X}', enum);
  Writer.Write('x : Hexadecimal (x): {0:x}', enum);

  // Close the writer

  // Create or StreamReader
  Reader := System.IO.StreamReader.Create('C:\DelphiBasics.txt');

  // Now display the file contents

  // Close the reader

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  Number formatting examples :
  C : Currency       : ?123,456.79
  D : Integer (D)    : 123456789
  E : Exponential    : 1.234568E+005
  F : Fixed          : 123456.79
  G : General        : 123456.789
  N : Number         : 123,456.79
  P : Percent        : 25.00 %
  R : Round-trip     : 0.25
  X : Hexadecimal (X): 75BCD15
  x : Hexadecimal (x): 75bcd15
  DateTime formatting examples :
  d : Short Date     : 17/09/2004
  D : Long Date      : 17 September 2004
  t : Short Time     : 08:57
  T : Long Time      : 08:57:55
  f : Full date      : 17 September 2004 08:57
  F : Long full date : 17 September 2004 08:57:55
  g : General        : 17/09/2004 08:57
  G : Long general   : 17/09/2004 08:57:55
  M : Month          : 17 September
  R : RFC1123        : Fri, 17 Sep 2004 08:57:55 GMT
  s : Sortable       : 2004-09-17T08:57:55
  u : Universal sort : 2004-09-17 08:57:55Z
  Y : Year           : September 2004
  Enumeration formatting examples :
  G : General        : Tuesday
  F : Fixed          : Tuesday
  D : Decimal        : 2
  X : Hexadecimal (X): 00000002
  x : Hexadecimal (x): 00000002
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