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Seek to a specified offset from the start, current, or end stream position
BinaryWriter Class
System.IO NameSpace
CF1.  Procedure Seek ( Offset:IntegerOffset : Integer; Origin : System.IO.SeekOrigin; ) ;
CF : Methods with this mark are Compact Framework Compatible
Because binary streams can be written to in a direct manner, position in the stream may be changed at any time during the write process.
The new position is set to Offset bytes forward from the Origin.
The Origin may be one of the following values :
SeekOrigin.Begin Byte 0 of the stream
SeekOrigin.Current The current stream position
SeekOrigin.End After the final byte of the stream
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Backtracking to overwrite a previoulsy written value
program Project1;


  MyFileStream  : System.IO.FileStream;
  MyFileWriter  : System.IO.BinaryWriter;
  MyFileReader  : System.IO.BinaryReader;
  CharAsByte    : Byte;

  // Create and open our binary file as a stream
  MyFileStream := System.IO.File.Open('C:DelphiBasics.txt',

  // Create a BinaryWriter to allow writing to this file
  MyFileWriter := System.IO.BinaryWriter.Create(MyFileStream);

  // Write to the file
  MyFileWriter.Write('BCD'); // Chr(0x41)Chr(0x42)Chr(0x43)

  // Position to the 3rd byte from the start and change it!
  // Note : the 3rd byte is at offset 2 from the SeekOrigin
  MyFileWriter.Seek(2, System.Io.SeekOrigin.Begin);
  MyFileWriter.Write('Z');  // Was Chr(0x41), now Chr(0x5A)

  // Close the writer and the stream

  // Reopen the stream for reading
  MyFileStream := System.IO.File.Open('C:DelphiBasics.txt',

  // Create a BinaryReader to allow the file to be read back
  MyFileReader := System.IO.BinaryReader.Create(MyFileStream);

  // Display the file contents
  // Note : We must look for the 'EndOfStreamException'
  //        when using ReadByte to know when we are done
    while 1 <> 0 do
      CharAsByte := MyFileReader.ReadByte;
      Console.WriteLine('{0:X}', TObject(CharAsByte));
    On E : EndOfStreamException do
      Console.WriteLine('End of file encountered');

  // Close the reader and the stream

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  End of file encountered
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